Financial Goals 2018 Breakdown

In my last post one of the goals I listed was to get to 100K net worth. I decided to break it down a bit so I can have mini goals as it were.

From my December net worth post I decided the below:

  1. Double my Super to $48,579.90. I am currently super heavy and would like to flesh out other parts in my portfolio so I will not be actively adding more to Super especially after the tough January I am having. I am just going to leave as is and hope it doubles!
  2. Invest capital of 5K minimum.
  3. Get my emergency fund to 5K. This should probably be at the top.
  4. Save for a house deposit 41K. I am still debating on whether I want to buy a house but for now I figured having the savings there will make the decision easier? It might be a waste just having the cash sitting there but I am trying to think of it around the lines of if money was not the biggest issue would I buy and where.

So at the end of the year I should have a little more outside Super. As someone who is fairly new to this I know I have a lot to learn and maybe mistakes to make and hopefully the journey overall is a positive one. Now I just have to figure out how to make more of that money and keep it!

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